Am I Suffering From Dry Eye? Advice From Your Meridian Optometrist

Healthy eyes and vision requires the right eye care solutions. When you have concerns about dry eye and you want to address the underlying complications contributing to the situation, an eye doctor offers the assistance you need for appropriate dry eye treatment. At Primary Eyecare and Optical of Meridian, your Meridian Optometrist will provide the solutions you need to manage dry eye.

man with eye drops for dry eye from a Meridian Optometrist

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Eye

The signs and symptoms of dry eyes are usually obvious. It may impact one or both of your eyes, depending on the situation. Common symptoms include:

  • Burning or itching in the eyes

  • Redness

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Feeling like you have something in your eyes

  • Watering eyes

  • Blurred vision

Generally, the burning, redness and sensitivity are the symptoms you may notice initially. More severe feelings of discomfort may develop and you want to see an eye doctor when the symptoms persist or the discomfort becomes severe.

Ways an Optometrist in Meridian Helps with Dry Eye

An optometrist in Meridian helps with dry eyes by identifying the causes and providing appropriate treatment based on your needs. In some cases, the causes of the condition relate directly to medication or lifestyle factors, such as wearing the wrong type of contact lenses for your situation and needs. Dry eye treatment considers every factor before providing appropriate eye care solutions.

Treatment Solutions

The dry eye treatment we recommend depend on your situation. We may change the type of contacts you wear or recommend eye drops when a medication causes the problem. When the symptoms are severe and uncomfortable, an eye doctor at our clinic may also recommend Xiidra. The medicated eye drops help reduce the discomfort and address certain factors causing dry eyes.

Treating conditions in your eyes ultimately depend on the reasons for the problem. When you experience the signs and symptoms of dry eyes, we may recommend medicated eye drops, changes to your prescription contact lenses or other adjustments to reduce your risks. To learn more about treating eye diseases and conditions or to set up an appointment, contact us today!

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Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian

Monday, Wednesday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian

Monday, Wednesday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday, Sunday